Falun Gong in Sydney Protest 13-Year Persecution in China


July 20 is an important date for the Falun Gong spiritual practice.

[John Deller, Spokesperson for NSW Falun Dafa Association]:
“It’s the greatest human rights tragedy, the human rights atrocity happening in the world today but how many people know?” 

And each year it’s marked around the world by quiet and sober protests, just like this one in Sydney Australia.

[John Deller, Spokesperson for NSW Falun Dafa Association]:
“We’ve written an open letter to Julia Gillard the Prime Minister asking her to acknowledge publicly that the persecution must end. There has been petitions of over 100,000 thousand Australians calling on our government to do just that.” 

It’s been 13 years today, since the Chinese regime’s former president Jiang Zemin ordered Falun Gong to be eradicated—sending thousands to prisons and labor camps. 

[Oliver Perrett, Australian Falun Gong Practitioner]: 
“Jiang Zemin has been sued in over 10 countries around the world for torture, crimes against humanity and genocide, as well as several other high officials who have followed him to perpetrate the persecution.”

Despite time slipping by these years, Falun Gong’s message is consistent, claiming adherents are still subject to human rights abuses. These claims are backed by rights groups, like Amnesty International.

[Oliver Perrett, Australian Falun Gong Practitioner]: 
“The Rapporteur for torture by the United Nations, Manfred Novak, he said that from his investigation that approximately 66% of the cases of torture in China are Falun Gong practitioners being tortured so it’s very serious.”

According to the Falun Dafa Information Center Jiang Zemin saw his legacy overshadowed when more people were practicing Falun Gong than there were members of the Chinese Communist Party. 

But did he fathom its global appeal and just how large this group was destined to grow?

[Bob Vinnicombe, Campaigner for Freedom in China]: 
“The Chinese Communist party banned Falun Gong because Falun Gong with its spiritual base is a direct challenge to the Marxist Leninist philosophy of dialectical materialism, which reduces human beings to no more than statistics on a piece of paper.”

Now practiced in over 100 countries, Falun Gong’s literature has been translated into 30 languages. With over 100 Million followers, that’s indeed no small number, a number welcomed everywhere today except in communist China. 

NTD News, Sydney, Australia.
